It doesn’t matter whether you’re a hardcore, competitive gamer or the casual and chill type. You can’t deny that a good pair of gaming headphones can sometimes make the difference between winning or losing a game. So if you’re someone who’s been in the market, come check out our guide on how to buy gaming headphones this 2021.

Understandably, any device, gadget, or peripheral that has the word “gaming” attached to it usually gets a few brows raised from certain people. Some think that it’s just a marketing ploy to get gamers to shell out extra cash because they think these gaming peripherals will help them game better.

Admittedly, some of these products get gimmicky. But the majority of them were actually built and produced with gamers in mind. In turn, these peripherals allow gamers to have a better and more immersive gaming experience.

Some accessories like gaming headphones in this case have certain features that let gamers pick up particular audio cues that traditional headphones won’t let us hear. Things like this matter especially if you’re very serious with your gaming.

So to clear any misunderstandings, let me explain and answer some of the most common questions asked regarding gaming headphones. Read on to find out more.

Want to check out gaming headphones from different brands? Click here for our top recommendations of the Best Headphones For Gaming In 2021.

What are gaming headphones?


I know by now that almost everyone on this planet knows what gaming headphones are. However, if some of you are still confused with the difference between gaming headphones and traditional ones, let me clarify things for you.

Obviously, a pair of gaming headphones is a type of headphones that companies make that are specifically and specially made for gaming. It is equipped with certain features that can elevate and upgrade a gamer’s overall gaming experience.

Below are a few things I have listed that make gaming headsets different from your traditional headphones:

  • Built-in microphone. The mics on gaming headphones are usually a lot more fine-tuned. Which helps in better communication between you and your teammates. These mics can be detachable as well.
  • Better surround sound experience. With gaming headphones, it’s very important that you get that additional awareness or audio cues when it comes to your surroundings.
  • Comfortable build quality. When you’re playing a game, you usually take plenty of hours doing it. Sometimes, we don’t even notice the time. That’s why manufacturers make it a point to make sure that their gaming headphones will provide maximum comfort to their users.
  • Gamer aesthetics. When it comes to aesthetics, gaming headphones are usually a lot more stylish or edgy in terms of design. Though personally, they can be hit or miss.
  • Who needs gaming headphones?


    While the short answer is gamers, different types of people can still benefit from the unique features some gaming headphones have. For example, if you’re job requires you to edit videos or syncing audios on videos, you might want to consider getting yourself a pair of gaming headphones as they tend to pick up even the smallest of noises.

    Moreover, more and more companies are slowly making gaming headphones that will make audiophiles turn their heads. So if you’re a gamer who is also an audiophile, you might want to start looking for these kinds of headphones.

    For more competitive gamers, especially the ones who get into intensive e-sport competitions, using a pair of gaming headphones can be crucial to one’s way to victory.

    However, that’s not to say casual gamers won’t be able to enjoy the benefits of good gaming headphones. Ultimately, this will make their gaming sessions a lot more enjoyable and immersive. It will feel as if you’re part of the game itself and everything in the game is actually happening around you.


    In addition to those things, it might not seem like it, but using the right headphones for gaming will also help you communicate better with your teammates if you’re playing co-op games.

    The right pair of headphones will let you hear even the quietest of footsteps from afar so you can anticipate your enemy’s next movements. A good pair of gaming headphones can also pinpoint certain audio cues to let you know what is happening around you.

    When you have all these qualities and features in your gaming headphones, winning a game can be a lot easier for you and your team.

    If you’d like to check out a pair of gaming headphones that audiophiles will love, read our review of the SteelSeries Arctis Pro here.

    Quick Shopping Tips

    Now that we have covered what a gaming headphone is essentially and who is the target market for it, here are some quick shopping tips to keep in mind!

    Plan Your Budget


    Because the gaming industry is filled up to the brim with different kinds of gaming headsets from an endless variety of brands and manufacturers, you will soon realize that the price for gaming headsets can range from something around $5o to a whopping $500. It’s overwhelming, to say the least.

    With that in mind, you can easily get lost in a sea of gaming headsets. But having a set budget, you will be able to filter out gaming headsets that are way out of your budget and stick to a price range you’re comfortable in.

    Going Wireless or Stick With Your Cords?


    Before you head on out to a physical store or open up Amazon, try deciding first whether you want a wireless pair of gaming headphones or if you want to stick with the traditional corded ones. Just like with your budget, knowing which one you’ll get will immensely narrow down your options.

    If you’re still unsure on which one to get, here are a few advantages and disadvantages to wireless and wired gaming headphones.



    • Mobility.
    • No more pesky cables getting in your way.
    • Less clutter around your gaming space.


    • Battery life.
    • Constant charging.
    • You might experience lags or latency issues.
    • More expensive between the two options.



    • Better and more stable audio quality.
    • No issues with latency.
    • No need to charge.
    • Usually cheaper between the two options.


    • Cables.
    • More clutter.
    • Needs to be plugged in to work.
    • Susceptible to cable damage over time.

    If you’d like to go wireless, read our review of the Razer BlackShark V2 Pro here!

    Things You Need To Consider

    You’re now ready to buy your gaming headphones! But before you make any final purchases, here are the things you should be considering to make sure that you get the one that’s best for you.

    Check out our top picks of the Best Headphones For Gaming In 2021 here!

    Audio Quality


    Obviously, the reason you’re getting a pair of gaming headphones for yourself is that you want to experience high-quality in-game audio. It’s also another way for you to connect deeper with your game through a more immersive experience.

    Sometimes for some people, terrible sound quality can ruin our gaming mood. Just imagine hearing static blasting through your ears. It’s not a pleasant sound to hear.

    Thankfully, a lot of gaming companies actually provide very good audio quality with their gaming headsets now. Making sure they’re as crisp, clear, and realistic sounding as possible. Some even provide surround sound wherein you will be able to hear your in-game audio from every direction possible!

    Surround Sound or Stereo?


    For gamers, this question should be a no-brainer. Obviously, you need to always go for surround sound when it comes to buying headphones for gaming.

    Surround sound will let you hear noises coming from every direction which can be crucial if you’re playing games like Fortnite or Valorant wherein you need to pay attention to your enemy’s footsteps or movements. It would be a shame if you lose because you weren’t able to pick up those certain sounds.

    However, stereo gaming headphones aren’t too bad either. If your game isn’t that big on sound effects, you can still opt for this type of gaming headphones.

    Battery Life


    This certain aspect usually only applies to wireless gaming headsets. So if you’re opting for the corded gaming headsets, you can scroll past this. But if you’re planning to get a wireless one, make sure that the gaming headset you’re choosing has adequate battery life.

    Some brands offer wireless headphones that can last up to 24 hours on a single charge which I find pretty impressive. Though, it’s up to you how many hours you game and how many hours you want your gaming headphones to last.



    Overall, gaming headsets are a pretty vital piece in your gaming setup. Whether it be the surround sound features, the comfort it provides even after long hours of playing, or just simply the aesthetics it has, I think it’s a worthy investment and something you should consider if you aren’t already.

    Anyway, we have finally reached the conclusion of our guide on how to buy gaming headphones this 2021. I hope this article was able to help you out in making an informed purchasing decision.

    Already bought your own gaming headsets? Was my article on how to buy gaming headphones able to help you out when it came to choosing your gaming headset? Let me know in the comments section below if you have any suggestions or questions. I would love to hear your thoughts!

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